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2017 LIFE教育创新峰会

2019-12-09 00:00:00




 LIFE峰会                                                                                                                    大会主题:学无边界


发言嘉宾:隋鑫 斜杠青年-不能用一个简单的职务职称来定义的年轻人 

发言嘉宾:High Tech High 教育领导力学院院长






Durant 刘帅:




而另一个令我魂梦萦绕的是一所在美国加州的学校:High Tech High。为听众介绍这所学校的Laura女士把绝大多数的时间用来展示这所学校的学生上。其中有一位学生,从没接受过任何绘画训练,在不断的鼓励和支持下,他在这个以“项目式学习”的学校中画出了一只美丽的蝴蝶。而在刚开始的时候,他画出的“蝴蝶”真可谓是“四不像”。尊重和支持每一个学生的个性化发展,注重团队交流与合作,让教育回归到生活。这是许多西方国家早已在做,现在还在探究并坚持去做的事。在他们的世界观里,视学生的成功为教育的成功。

Schmidt在耶鲁大学学报是这样嘲笑中国大学的:它们把经济上的成功当成教育的成功,并竟然引以为骄傲,这是人类文明史上最大的笑话。这不仅是Schmidt 眼中中国大学的问题。事实上,中国人早已将“经济上的成功”视为“成功”的全部。在这个欲望贲张的年代,大学时刻面对两难选择——是随波逐流,还是保持独立?复旦大学校长杨玉良曾说过,大学的物理的围墙可以拆掉,“精神围墙”绝对不能折。因为没有了“精神围墙”,大学就无法满足人们对她高尚性和纯活性的期盼,就丧失了大学存在的价值。然而,中国大学的物理围墙正在加高加厚,而“精神围墙”却面临倒塌。大学在电视宣传片中吹嘘的是它的建筑物,而不是它的人文精神,学生选择大学,选择的标准不是一个大学的传统,而是就业率的高低。所以,为了考上一个好大学,高中生终日埋在课本与试卷的书堆之中。





Nancy 毛灵吟

       One of the things that struck me first was the sheer diversity and number of innovative educational communities that are springing up in all parts of China. Most of these schools and organizations have very similar missions and ways of achieving their goals. Many of them seem to inherit Dewey’s approach to education. For instance, they all touched upon the idea that the innate curiosity of children should be protected, the importance of reflection in learning from doing and the necessity of putting oneself into a place of discomfort if anything is to be learned and any innovation to be cultivated. In that sense, Xing Wei also belongs to this group of “outliers” in striving to offer a personalized, practical, skill based learning environment, in which the students are the ones who take the rein on their own education. I’ve also heard key phrases like “project-based learning” and “internet-powered teaching” tossed around from talk to talk. Perhaps, this is the new trend that the group of revolutionary and disruptive educators is following, as they cut against the grain.

       There is one school in particular, which shares many commonalities with Xing Wei and could serve as a case study. It is called High Tech High based in San Diego, California. They advocate for a project-based learning. It was started as a one-room schoolhouse, with an aim to promote educational equality. The students are required to work in a farm and bring what they learn outside into the classroom, echoing the ideal of Deep Spring College. The school has a 10-person committee, which plans the curriculum and subjects taught in the classroom. At Xing Wei, we have EACC that oversees curriculum planning but also seven other committees responsible for various aspects of running the school. Many of the teachers at High Tech High are entrepreneurs, engineers, businessmen, architects, musicians, and writers who do not have a formal teacher training but come in with their rich experience working in different industries. Once they join up as teachers at High Tech High, they are trained in a teaching program on site for a month or two. The most important thing that they’re looking for in a teacher is passion for teaching and letting students learn in their own ways and pace. I think that is also what Xing Wei is seeking to do, bringing in experts from the society at large to interact with the students so that theory and practice, school and society, knowledge and hands-on learning, are not separated from one another. One of the things that I think Xing Wei could benefit from doing is organizing school exhibitions, journals or student-led conferences to give the students a chance to showcase what they’ve learned, worked on and thought about to a public audience. Presenting their work and ideas to an audience from outside the school might be nerve-wracking, but it adds another layer of significance to what they’ve accomplished in class, when the students have adults from the outside willing to take some time out of their busy lives, listening to them. Students could also improve their confidence and have a stronger sense of belonging when they’re carrying out field-work, working on projects, putting on exhibitions, publishing journals, organizing conferences together with their peers and advisors. Right now, the students at Xing Wei do not really have a sense of belonging and I think a tighter-knit community would create a more conducive learning environment.

        By doing a project, it is not just the end result that should be examined, evaluated and commodified. The students ought to be transformed. The teachers ought to be transformed. And, the audience ought to be transformed. The speaker, Laura, gave an inspiring example of Austin’s butterfly and she said, “When a student has a moment of excellence, a moment they did something that they never thought could be done before, they are forever transformed.” At Xing Wei and at other places where teaching happens, I think the student’s transformative “moment of excellence” is what teachers should be working towards. The teachers should always be there for the student with a guiding hand but one that does not push excessively or unilaterally, not before the student is ready.


编辑:Ethel 吴淑怡

              Durant 刘帅

            Nancy 毛灵吟
